
More Locations Embracing Layered Approach to Security

A layered approach to emergency communication remains a popular way to help ensure people remain safe and secure at a wide range of locations.

It’s a strong philosophy, since the odds of reaching a large audience during a potentially dangerous situation increases as additional means of communication are added. That can include everything from an announcement over public address speakers to a text message or alarm. Since individuals may respond in different ways to different types of notifications, it’s important to push out a variety of alerts and warnings to prompt as many people as possible to react appropriately.

This approach has been mentioned by a number of different organizations, including the Fire Protection Research Foundation, which published “Emergency Communication Strategies for Buildings,” a report that provides guidelines on how to effectively broadcast messages, and the University of Texas at Austin, whose 2013 study, “Using Multiple Channels and Sources to Combat Noise and Escalate a Sense of Urgency,” found that the most effective way to increase awareness is to send multiple messages through multiple channels.

It also includes the 32 National Campus Safety Initiative (NCSI), which was founded following the 2007 shooting tragedy at Virginia Tech and is dedicated to supporting safe learning and working environments on college and university campuses, which poses these questions on its website:

“Does the institution have comprehensive emergency response and evacuation procedures?
Does the institution have an accessible, comprehensive emergency notification procedure?
Does the institution’s emergency notification procedure use multiple channels (such as SMS text messaging, computer desktop alerts, public address, and outdoor electronic signage) to issue notifications?”

Code Blue is dedicated to providing layered emergency communication solutions that can bolster safety and security at virtually any location. From our industry pioneering Help Points® to our award-winning mass notification software, we strive to offer systems and products that allow colleges and universities to reach broad audiences in an effective and efficient manner.

If you want to learn how you can implement a multilayered approach to emergency communication at your location, Code Blue can help.  Contact us today to discuss the available options at (800) 205-7186.